Help trouble shooting Azure Account setup

Hi Derek,

Thanks for your help. I got the Network team to completely whitelist the server and the error still occurs, they are certain this is not a proxy issue.

I tried the following:

Hi Derek,

I got it working!

My first trick – denying delete permission on the work folder showed me what the error was – no tools folder.

I found the nupkg file for Calamari.Cloud in the c:\programfiles\octopus folder, so I manually extracted it to the tools folder and added a Success.txt file.
Gave it another go and it works.

I then tried an actual deployment, similar problem, 2 more tools missing AzureCLI and AzureCmdlets, I manually extracted the nupkg files and it now deploys
up to Azure J

Any thoughts on what is causing this issue? Manually having to deploy the nuget packages is not a satisfactory solution, we’d need to do that whenever Calamari
or Azure versions are upgraded.



Hi @andrew_w,

That’s great that you got this sort of working. :slight_smile:

Out of interest, what account is your Octopus windows service running under? Could you try running it under Local System or Administrator and check it has the correct permissions for Octopus to work. You can see the required permissions on



No response?

Hi @andrew_w,

Thanks for coming back to me.

Apologies, I responded a few days back asking what permissions your Octopus service user is running under. Did you not see this? If not, I am really sorry and I have posted it below for you. I think it may be running under an account that doesn’t have the required access.

Hi @andrew_w,

That’s great that you got this sort of working. :slight_smile:

Out of interest, what account is your Octopus windows service running under? Could you try running it under Local System or Administrator and check it has the correct permissions for Octopus to work. You can see the required permissions on



Ah ok yes it probably got lost in my inbox :stuck_out_tongue:

I checked the link you sent, I don’t think the service account had full permission on d:\octopus

I tried removing the tools folder to see if it would then create it, but I still get the error. I’ve put the folder back and it’s all good.

I’m not sure if there is much more I can try in our dev server, I may need to give it a go on the production install.

Hi @andrew_w,

Would you be able to apply the permissions to the tools folder and give that a test? You will see a lot of issues if the permissions are not set correctly and I expect this is the issue.

Let me know how you get on.

