While we are upgrading the Azure RM module to AZ modules, we are having some issues when Symantec quarantined some files and we uninstalled Symantec and those quarantined files/folders shown below are gone now.
Is there a walkaround to get those calamari files updated still?
The OctopusUseBundledAzureModules variable has been used to disable using the bundled Azure PowerShell modules. Note that this variable is deprecated and will be removed in a future version, please use the bundling options on the step to control this behavior now.
February 19th 2021 08:29:43Error
& : The term ‘E:\Octopus\OctopusServer\Tools\Calamari.AzureScripting.netfx\9.0.2\Calamari.AzureScripting.exe’ is not
February 19th 2021 08:29:43Error
recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
Thanks for reaching out. If you’d like the calamari to re-extract itself, you should just need to delete all the folders in E:\Octopus\OctopusServer\Tools. There is a text document in those folders called Success.txt that we look for to trigger on. Once you’ve done that, you should be able to get the calamari to extract by either deploying to it or running a check health on it and upgrading calamari.
After i checked with the folders Calamari extracted, looks like all of the five folders contains a txt file called success but ‘E:\Octopus\OctopusServer\Tools\Calamari.AzureScripting.netfx\9.0.2\Calamari.AzureScripting.exe’ is still missing from Symantec.
Would it still need a re-extract? Will delete the folders in Tools impacting other applications deployment process?
Deleting these folders will just prompt the tentacle/worker the next time its deployed to the tools need to be extracted first. It’s an automatic process as part of any deployment. Are all of the other files that the antivirus deleted back in place as well other than these tools?