"Finding latest NuGet package for step: xxx" taking longer and longer

We are running TFS 2015 (14.0.24712) and Octopus 3.3.5 on the same VM server, and it deploys to Dev, Staging, and Production, going from one DMZ to another. Everything runs very quickly until “Finding latest NuGet package for step: xxx”, which takes 5 minutes as it checks each tentacle, increasing the overall time by 15 minutes for every deployment.

Anyone else have this issue? Simple configuration problem or something deeper?



Thanks for getting in touch! Generally when this slowness happens and continues to increase it is due to the packages left on the Tentacle from previous deployments. To apply delta compression we need to scan previous files to compare against and if this list is large finding the correct files can take longer and longer.
We suggest that you always run a form of retention policy on your Tentacles to keep these files to an absolute minimum. It should reduce the time greatly and keep the scanning time consistent across your machines.

If you are worried about our retention policies you can also remove these packages yourself via scripting or automation. Remember they are only there for cache reasons and you still have these packages in your feeds.

Hope that helps!

Thank you for your comment Vanessa and you were correct our retention policies were not working (and still are not working but we will tackle that some other day).

To speed up our deployments we went into the directory \Octopus\files and deleted all the nuget packages. This took our build time from 15 minutes to 45 seconds.

Thank you