This is a feature request. It would be great if the Octopus dashboard, which displays the current releases of each application in each environment, contained links to the applications in the specific environments. E.g. if the box displaying details of the most recent deployment of Application X to Environment Y also contained a link to that app in that environment
We presently maintain this info outside of Octopus, in Wiki pages etc, but it’s a pain to maintain.
It would be great if this was directly available in Octopus, because the matrix of applications to environments is already there. Forcing users to access the links via Octopus would also have the advantage of making sure they know the version they are accessing too (we do display the version numbers in our apps also, but you know what I mean).
Was thinking if “Application URL” was a property of a deployment, and there was some means of setting that property as part of the deployment process steps (say via a step type), then the dashboard could check if the URL for deployments had been set, and if so display a link. Also has the benefit that if the URL needs to change with a given release, that can be controlled like other changes
I think a lot of customers would find this a useful feature… there is nothing special about our situation, maybe just that we have a lot of environments and a lot of apps, making the problem more important to solve
Thanks for getting in touch! This is an interesting idea! While you’re correct there’s no current way to modify the link/icon of the release on the dashboard screen, you could potentially add in the link to the app into the release notes. I think this would be the closest option, and it would only be one extra click from your suggestion.
So in my (very) simple setup I just added this markdown for a link as a release note when creating the release.
After deploying the release, you could click on it on the dashboard page, which would take you straight to that task page which surfaces the release notes there, including the link.
Thanks for your response. I don’t think the release notes is really a viable option for this, because I assume the release notes are a property of the release itself. The link to an application in a given environment is not a property of the release, because it’s environment-specific.
I am assuming the link needs to be a property associated with the actual deployment itself, so that the environment is known. My suggestion of being able to set the URL somehow during the deployment process was intended to support that. Does that make sense?
Thanks for following up! That’s a great point that I didn’t consider, though you can also bind environment-scoped variables into the release notes to control this, which might be helpful here? Though for the exact feature you’re suggesting, the avenue best suited for this suggestion is our UserVoice site, which allows us to gauge community support behind these ideas to help us prioritize them.
Sorry I can’t offer the best news, but please let me know if we can help with anything further.
Okay, great, thanks again for your reply. I did try to find the right way to lodge feature requests, but I clearly didn’t try hard enough. I was looking for a “feature request” tag or similar when posting. Thanks