I’ve just started my evaluation of Octopus Deploy, and I’m having problems uploading Nuget Packages to it. I’ve created an API Key, and am using the URI provided in the libary section of the application, however, when trying to upload I get the message…
“ErrorMessage”: “The resource you requested was not found.”
Can you please explain a bit more how you are trying to push your nuget package, I’ve been trying to replicate the issue locally from a command prompt, but have been unable to do so.
Also, if you could provide what version of Octopus Deploy and NuGet your are using.
Hello, I"m running version of OD, and a very old version of Nuget (1.2*). After reading your questions, it occurred to me that I should update my version of Nuget, (cause I’m a genius). After updating my version of Nuget to the latest and greatest, and recreating my package I was able to upload my package to OD, no problem. Thanks for your help.