I am running an Azure PowerShell Script as step which calls a Script module within the project which update app settings in webapp.
Script Modulde script:-
function UpdateSettings($hash, $slot) {
if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($slot)) {
Write-host $slot "empty"
Set-AzureRmwebApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Name $webAppName -AppSettings $hash
else {
Write-host $slot
Set-AzureRmwebAppSlot -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Name $webAppName -AppSettings $hash -Slot $slot
Function SetAppSettings($WebappName, $ResouceGroup, $SubscriptionId, $slot)
Write-host "passed in function AppName= $WebappName ResourceGroup= $ResouceGroupName subId=$SubscriptionId Slot=$slot"
#select subscription
Get-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId | Select-AzureRmSubscription
# Load webapp settings
Write-Host "load webApplication and settings from Azure webApp $WebappName..."
Write-Host "Get-AzureRmwebApp -ResourceGroupName $ResouceGroup -Name $WebappName"
$webApp = Get-AzureRmwebApp -ResourceGroupName $ResouceGroup -Name $WebappName
$webAppSettings = $webApp.SiteConfig.AppSettings
# copy app settings to hash table
foreach ($setting in $webAppSettings) {
$hash[$setting.Name] = $setting.Value
Write-Host "Hash table with current appsetting Values"
$keys = @()
[array] $keys = $hash.keys
# loop through all the Octopus Parameters
$OctopusParameters.GetEnumerator() | % {
$found = $false
$OctopusVariableName = $($_.key)
$OctopusVariableValue = $($_.value)
# there are 100s of in-built Octopus variables - ignore the internal ones that all
# start with the word Octopus
if (!$OctopusVariableName.StartsWith("Octopus"))
Write-host "Checking Octopus Variable: " $($_.key)
# check to see if the Octopus key is in the set of variables from Azure
foreach ($settingkey in $keys)
# if we do have a match, then change the value and set the found flag
if ($($_.key) -eq "$settingkey")
Write-host "Found a match for key: " $($_.key)
$hash.Set_Item("$settingkey", $($_.value))
$found = $true
# if the octopus variable hasn't been found as part of the Azure variables
if ($found -eq $false)
Write-host "Didn't find a match so adding it for key: " $OctopusVariableName
# then we simply add it
$hash.Add($($_.key), $($_.value))
Write-host "Finished Checking Octopus Variable: " $($_.key)
Write-Host "Hash table with updated values"
But getting the following error
Get-AzureRmSubscription : Run Login-AzureRmAccount to login.
I am not sure what to do next .? I assume, when I select the account, it should automatically authenticate it.
I have attached RAW log from the output.
ServerTasks-2341.log.txt (3 KB)