Email variables not working

Below is an email template I’m using:

Project: #{Octopus.Project.Name}
Version: #{Octopus.Release.Number}
Environment: #{OctopusEnvironmentName}
Release Notes: #{Octopus.Release.Notes}
The following Urls can be used to access this deployment:

Everything works, but the #{SiteUri} variable isn’t being replaced…
I even created a new step, copy/pasted the content, same thing…

Any way to debug this ???

Hi Gavin,

Where is SiteUri set? Can you send a screenshot of your Variables tab?


Thought I attached that the first time.

Hi Gavin,

You’ll need to remove the role scope from the SiteUri variable - the email
step is run on the Octopus server rather than on a specific role, so at the
moment it is being filtered out.

After you modify the variable you’ll need to create a new release (or
update the variables of the current release) as we create snapshots of
variables during the release creation process.

Hope that helps,


Paul Stovell
Octopus Deploy
W: | T: @octopusdeploy

Had to remove the Role, Machine and Step context…