Duplicate user options for Active Directory users in Octopus Deploy

I’ve noticed all my Active Directory users are being created with two user accounts it seems. For example, if I add user James Bond who’s domain user credential is


They end up with two users accounts. One with a username of


and another with a username of


In all the drop down lists I end up having to pick both because it’s not clear which one I should be picking. For example, when adding people to teams I had to add James Bond twice to any team he is on.

It says email blocked so here is what it looks like a bit better.


Thanks for the report Paul. A couple of days ago we released the 2.0.11 build with this related issue fixed in it:

Previously, the “Add User” button would not correctly resolve simple usernames to UPNs, and so the user would be duplicated with the correct name after logging in.

Could this be the problem here?


I’m having the same problem with the version where I have two accounts for each user.

Which one is the one that the users are authenticating with?

Hi Thom,

The email address-like one (the UPN) is the one Octopus will use when authenticating AD users.

It sounds like you may have migrated from 1.6 either to an early (pre-RTW) version of Octopus 2.0, or else switched from username/password to AD authentication some time after migrating - is that correct?

Best regards,

yes I used the import from version and upgraded to the newest release of

I setup Octopus Deploy on our environment with 2.0 RC and updated to

We are still encountering this issue that users are having duplicate and sometimes 3x user accounts.

What’s irritating is that other developers keep on asking me why they don’t have permission and I keep on explaining to everyone about this bug.

Can you please let us know how we can fix this on our deployment?

Thank you.


I’d like to get to the bottom of this; would it be possible to share your screen with me via Skype or another technology? My Skype name is paulstovell.
