Disk utilization

I’m running Octopus 2.3.3 and I’m running out of disk space. It seems both the tentacle and the main server is using a lot of disk storage. My \Octopus\PackageCache is 35 GB, \Octopus\Applications.Tentacle\Packages is 10 GB. I have the retention policy set to something like 10 releases, but I can see a lot of old nuget files in the PackageCache folder. How can I get rid of these? My nuget packages are very large since they are Azure packages.


Hi Hakan,

Octopus should clean files out of this folder 20 days after writing, so long as they haven’t been accessed in the last 3 hours.

Can you please let me know if files older than 20 days are in there, and if so, can you send details of the creation/read/write dates from the file properties?

If there’s a bug in cleaning the folder we will need to fix that, but if 20 days worth of packages is simply too many we may be able to expose a setting for it.



I had to manually clean it out so I don’t have access on checking it. My feeling is that there may not have been anything older than 20 days, but since the Nuget packages (for Azure) are about 400 MB per deployment, and we general several a day, it adds up quickly. A setting would be excellent, 20 days for us is way too long.


Okay, thanks for the feedback. I’ve created an issue to track it: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/835


Very good, thanks!

I’m running into this issue as well. Can we have the existing retention policy apply to these files? I only want to keep the last 1 package for each project in the cache and on the tentacle. Only in very rare circumstances do we deploy an old package, and our nuget server has a more robust list of available packages.