Hi, today we experienced an issue where the deployment on 1 of our production servers was hanging during a deployment.
after 1.5 hour we canceled the deployment and ran it again.
What could be the cause of this hanging deployment?
11:57:31 Verbose | Name Value
11:57:31 Verbose | ---- -----
11:57:31 Verbose | PSVersion 4.0
11:57:31 Verbose | WSManStackVersion 3.0
11:57:31 Verbose | SerializationVersion
11:57:31 Verbose | CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000
11:57:31 Verbose | BuildVersion 6.3.9600.19170
11:57:31 Verbose | PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0}
11:57:31 Verbose | PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.2
11:57:31 Verbose | PowerShell Environment Information:
11:57:31 Verbose | OperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0
11:57:31 Verbose | OsBitVersion: x64
11:57:31 Verbose | Is64BitProcess: True
11:57:31 Verbose | CurrentUser: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
11:57:31 Verbose | MachineName: SERVER02
11:57:31 Verbose | ProcessorCount: 6
11:57:31 Verbose | CurrentDirectory: E:\DATA\Octopus\Applications\Production\AppName\201925.2.1-20190618-1
11:57:31 Verbose | CurrentLocation: E:\DATA\Octopus\Applications\Production\AppName\201925.2.1-20190618-1
11:57:31 Verbose | TempDirectory: C:\Windows\TEMP
11:57:31 Verbose | HostProcessName: powershell
11:57:31 Verbose | TotalPhysicalMemory: 16776692 KB
11:57:31 Verbose | AvailablePhysicalMemory: 8762788 KB
11:57:33 Info | Making sure a Web Application “/AppName201925b1” is configured as a child of “Portal” at “E:\DATA\Octopus\Applications\Production\AppName\201925.2.1-20190618-1”…
11:57:33 Verbose | Acquired mutex Global\Octopus-IIS-Metabase-Mutex
11:57:33 Verbose | Looking for the parent Site “Portal” at “IIS:\Sites\Portal”…
11:57:33 Verbose | Acquired mutex Global\Octopus-IIS-Metabase-Mutex
11:57:33 Verbose | Loading Application pool
11:57:33 Info | Application pool “AppName201925b1” already exists
11:57:33 Verbose | Acquired mutex Global\Octopus-IIS-Metabase-Mutex
11:57:33 Info | Set application pool identity: SpecificUser
11:57:33 Verbose | Acquired mutex Global\Octopus-IIS-Metabase-Mutex
11:57:36 Info | Set .NET framework version: v4.0
11:57:36 Info | “/AppName201925b1” does not exist. Creating Web Application pointing to IIS:\Sites\Portal\AppName201925b1 …
11:57:36 Verbose | Acquired mutex Global\Octopus-IIS-Metabase-Mutex
11:57:36 Info | Name Application pool Protocols Physical Path
11:57:36 Info | ---- ---------------- --------- -------------
11:57:36 Info | AppName201925b1 DefaultAppPool http E:\DATA\Octopus\Applications\P
11:57:36 Info | roduction\AppName\201925.2.1-201
11:57:36 Info | 90618-1
11:57:36 Verbose | Acquired mutex Global\Octopus-IIS-Metabase-Mutex
11:57:36 Verbose | Loading Site
11:57:36 Info | Assigning “IIS:\Sites\Portal\AppName201925b1” to application pool “AppName201925b1”…
13:29:20 Verbose | Process C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe in E:\DATA\Octopus\Work\20190619095718-43427-453 exited with code -1