I am trying to deploying an image to our kubernetes, but i am having troubles. I cant get the image name from the referenced packages. What variable should I be using? You can see what i tried below with no success.
What would be even better is if i could figure out how to pass all the variables from a config map to the deployment without having to manually put each one into the deployment, I have like 40. I am using the envFrom: ConfigMapRef, but I would rather do everything in one step in the deploy kubernetes containers step
Thanks for getting in touch! Great question, and since I didn’t see any variables that looked to match up with this any better, I ran through a deployment with debugging variables enabled. Namely OctopusPrintVariables and OctopusPrintEvaluatedVariables, both with a value of True, where these will write to the logs every variable at the beginning of each step and what they evaluate into. (Note you should disable them after use as the extra logging can negatively impact deployment performance.)
Looking through the resulting task log, I think the following variable might be what you’re after? Octopus.Action[StepName].Container.Image.