Checking tentacle health issues

Hi Paul,

At work we currently have 12 machines across 4 different environments. When Octopus does its automatic “Check Tentacle health” task, it splits the tasks up into 2 batches (10 for the first, 2 for the second). It takes around 3 minutes to run both of those tasks. Since tasks are run in a serial manner, that only leaves about 2 minutes of idle time before the next automatic check takes place. Here are some issues I am finding because of how long those checks take:

  • All deployments are put on hold until the checks are done. Waiting 3 minutes for a deployment to start is annoying to say the least. Is there a way these “Check Tentacle health” tasks could be run in parallel to deployment tasks?
  • If I cancel an automatic check that’s in progress, the task gets marked as “Cancelled” but it seems like it is still running. Any deployments that are queued still stay “Queued” until a minute or two passes. When that time elapses, the “Cancelled” task actually gets marked as “Success!” and then the deployment task starts running.
  • Can there be a way to filter out the “Check Tentacle health” tasks? When I go to the Tasks tab, all I see are the health checks. I would instead like to see what deployments are taking place. Having an option to display/hide these health checks would be awesome.

Thanks and keep up the great work! It’s a really awesome product! :slight_smile:

Hi Steven,

Thanks for the feedback.

Is there a way these “Check Tentacle health” tasks could be run in parallel to deployment tasks?

Octopus server is actually built to run in parallel without a problem, I just need to enable it. This feedback is important because until now I wasn’t sure if other people needed it :slight_smile: I’ll try to include it in next release.

When that time elapses, the “Cancelled” task actually gets marked as “Success!” and then the deployment task starts running.

Ah yeah - cancellation is a little broken at the moment. It sets a flag and the tasks check that flag, but sometimes it is too late for them to check. I’m going to experiment with simply terminating the task thread.

Can there be a way to filter out the “Check Tentacle health” tasks? When I go to the Tasks tab, all I see are the health checks

Absolutely - I’m going to automatically delete all automatic health checks apart from the last one run.

Thanks Steven!


Hi Steven,

The build I’m sitting on (will release soon) has a few fixes:

  1. All but the last health check get automatically deleted on a scheduled basis
  2. Cancellation works for most tasks now
  3. Tasks (e.g., deploy, check health) run in parallel (up to 4 at a time)

Also, activities within a task will also run in parallel, and be a lot smarter. For example, Octopus will upload all NuGet packages to the target machines before installing any of them - that way downtime is minimised.

If you get chance, please cast your eye over this log - this is what deployment logs will start to look like in the next release. Most of the child tasks are being run in parallel now:


Hi Paul,

That looks great! The tabs and whitespace really help to keep the deployment log readable. Does the summary at the top change as the deployment is taking place? For a second I thought the individual steps were being run in parallel too, but it makes sense that steps would be done in a sequential manner.

Can’t wait to use the new features! :slight_smile:


Hi Steven,

Thanks! Yes, the whole log will continually update as the deployment runs. The current stage will also show [Running…] next to it, and if the install fails, the stage that failed will show [Failed]

You are right - each step is run in sequence, but the individual step is installed in parallel - so for example if you have this configuration:

Package A -> Machine 1, 2, 3
Package B -> Machine 4, 5

It will work logically equivalent to something like this:

in parallel:
    Install package A to machine 1
    Install package A to machine 2
    Install package A to machine 3
in parallel:
    Install package B to machine 4
    Install package B to machine 5
