Channel tags not always displaying on release page

I haven’t seen any other posts with this symptom, so not sure if it just us, but I have been experiencing this issue on both our production system and my local dev system. When going to the release page, the channel tags are normally visible next to each release, but we don’t see them unless we select a channel from the drop down at the top, and then clear it out. Then they appear. But they will disappear if we go to another page and then back to the release page.
I’ve attached three screen shots showing the tags missing, the tags visible, and one tag added using Chrome dev tools. The structure is there to display them, but the labels have no values so are not displaying anything. If you type in a label in the dev tools, then they will appear.
Has anyone else been experiencing this? It has been happening in our system for quite some time now, across many Octopus versions (we are currently running 3.14.1).





Thanks for getting in touch! I’m sorry to hear your channel tags aren’t displaying correctly. I haven’t seen this behavior before, and they’re displaying normally in my local instance (running 3.14.1 and 3.14.15). Are you seeing this same behavior on a different browser? Do you see any errors reported in you dev tools console log?

I look forward to hearing back!

Best regards,


Hi Kenny - Thanks for the reply. I can confirm that this issue occurs for us in Chrome, Firefox and IE. It is inconsistent, I had to change pages quite a few times for it to occur in Firefox, in IE it happened first go. I don’t see any console errors, and when inspecting the page elements, the tags are on the page, but the labels are missing so nothing is displayed. Like this:
Working page:

<span class="label label-primary ng-binding ng-scope ng-isolate-scope" channel-id="release.ChannelId" channels="channels" ng-if="channels &amp;&amp; release.ChannelId">CLS</span>

Broken page:

<span class="label label-primary ng-binding ng-scope ng-isolate-scope" channel-id="release.ChannelId" channels="channels" ng-if="channels &amp;&amp; release.ChannelId"></span>

Note the ‘CLS’ tag missing in the broken page.


Thanks for following up. I’ve been able to reproduce this behavior in Chrome, and I’ve raised the following GitHub issue to continue investigating this which you can track here.

I’m sorry again about the confusion caused by this issue. Please let me know if you have any further questions at all!

Best regards,


Great, thanks Kenny. Glad you were able to reproduce it too, always makes resolving easier!
Cheers, Simon.

Hi Simon,

That’s no problem at all! Thank you for taking the time to point this out. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions.

Best regards,
