I’m trying to clean up an empty Environment and am getting the error below. The Tenant it’s complaining about was removed a long time ago but I’m guessing the Environment still has a reference somehow. How can I remove this Environment?
Hi Joshua,
Thank you for contacting Octopus Support. I’m sorry that you are having this issue!
Would you mind telling me what version of Octopus Server you are currently running?
I look forward to hearing back from you and getting this resolved.
Hey Donny,
The current server version is 2019.9.10 LTS
Hi Joshua,
Thank you for the quick reply.
We have had a good number of tenant bug fixes since v2019.9.10.
I would recommend updating to try resolving this. After taking care to make server backups, be sure to check out the breaking changes found on the version comparison page (use the show/hide buttons). The simplest jump would be from 2019.9.10 to 2019.13.7.
If you want to, you could also upgrade straight to our current latest version, 2020.2.14 (after looking at the new requirements and breaking changes for 2020.1.X+).
Let me know if you have any questions or run into any trouble.
Hey Donny,
Thanks for the info. I should be able to get that done this weekend and update this when I’m done
Hi Joshua,
Thanks for getting back to me.
That sounds like a plan! Just let me know if you need anything between now and then.
Hey Donny,
The upgrade went well and I was able to delete the empty environment.
Thanks for the help.
Hi Joshua,
Thanks for the update. I’m glad you were able to get it resolved.
Let me know if anything else comes up.
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