Cannot connect to listening tentacle - https://locahost:10933 not found

I have two machines that I am trying to install tentacles in listening mode, both Windows 8.1. I have got it to install, and it says it is running. However, when I try to go to https://localhost:10933 it says page not found. I have turned off the firewall and added a urlacl, but nothing seems to work. Here is all that is in the logs:

2015-02-11 09:00:17.8894 ERROR Unable to load actor from C:\Octopus\Tentacle\Actors\Clock.pfa; attempting to discard.
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
at System.Security.Cryptography.CapiSymmetricAlgorithm.DepadBlock(Byte[] block, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at System.Security.Cryptography.CapiSymmetricAlgorithm.TransformFinalBlock(Byte[] inputBuffer, Int32 inputOffset, Int32 inputCount)
at System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.FlushFinalBlock()
at System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at System.IO.Stream.Close()
at Octopus.Shared.Bcl.IO.StreamDisposalChain.Dispose(Boolean disposing) in y:\work\refs\heads\master\source\Octopus.Shared\Bcl\IO\StreamDisposalChain.cs:line 24
at System.IO.Stream.Close()
at System.IO.StreamReader.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at System.IO.TextReader.Dispose()
at Pipefish.Persistence.Filesystem.ActorStateFile.Deserialize() in y:\work\3cbe05672d69a231\source\Pipefish\Persistence\Filesystem\ActorStateFile.cs:line 67
at Pipefish.Persistence.Filesystem.ActorStateFile…ctor(String path, IStorageStreamTransform sst) in y:\work\3cbe05672d69a231\source\Pipefish\Persistence\Filesystem\ActorStateFile.cs:line 23
at Pipefish.Persistence.Filesystem.DirectoryActorStorage.TryLoadActor(String pfaFile) in y:\work\3cbe05672d69a231\source\Pipefish\Persistence\Filesystem\DirectoryActorStorage.cs:line 45
2015-02-11 09:00:18.3447 INFO TCP server distribution service disabled
2015-02-11 09:07:46.8533 INFO Beginning chunked transfer of C:\Octopus\Files\ResearchFacility.2015.02.11.3.nupkg-158a0bfa-c41d-459e-8c9d-c2da3184827b
2015-02-11 09:10:25.9133 INFO Purging the directory 'C:\Program Files\The Void\Research Facility\Test’
2015-02-11 09:10:25.9133 INFO Copying package contents to 'C:\Program Files\The Void\Research Facility\Test’
2015-02-11 09:29:42.4958 INFO Stopping service…
2015-02-11 09:29:43.5582 INFO Waiting for service to stop. Current status: StopPending
2015-02-11 09:29:44.5614 INFO Waiting for service to stop. Current status: Stopped
2015-02-11 09:29:45.5644 INFO Service stopped
2015-02-11 09:29:45.6066 INFO Waiting for service to start. Current status: StartPending
2015-02-11 09:29:46.6161 INFO Waiting for service to start. Current status: Running
2015-02-11 09:29:46.6201 INFO TCP server distribution service disabled
2015-02-11 09:29:47.6185 INFO Service started
2015-02-11 09:30:15.4174 INFO Stopping service…
2015-02-11 09:30:16.4801 INFO Waiting for service to stop. Current status: StopPending
2015-02-11 09:30:17.4851 INFO Waiting for service to stop. Current status: Stopped
2015-02-11 09:30:18.4877 INFO Service stopped
2015-02-11 09:30:19.1192 INFO Service uninstalled
2015-02-11 09:30:19.8105 INFO Service installed
2015-02-11 09:30:19.9115 INFO Waiting for service to start. Current status: StartPending
2015-02-11 09:30:20.9150 INFO Waiting for service to start. Current status: Running
2015-02-11 09:30:20.9310 INFO TCP server distribution service disabled
2015-02-11 09:30:21.9175 INFO Service started
2015-02-11 09:31:36.1110 INFO Stopping service…
2015-02-11 09:31:37.1730 INFO Waiting for service to stop. Current status: StopPending
2015-02-11 09:31:38.1756 INFO Waiting for service to stop. Current status: Stopped
2015-02-11 09:31:39.1792 INFO Service stopped
2015-02-11 09:31:39.1942 INFO Service uninstalled
2015-02-11 09:33:35.5366 INFO A certificate already exists, no changes will be applied.
2015-02-11 09:33:36.1640 INFO Generating a new SQUID for the Tentacle…
2015-02-11 09:33:36.2380 INFO The new SQUID of this Tentacle is: SQ-xxx
2015-02-11 09:33:36.8094 INFO Removing all trusted Octopus servers…
2015-02-11 09:33:37.6559 INFO Home directory set to: C:\Octopus
2015-02-11 09:33:37.8186 INFO Application directory set to: C:\Octopus\Applications
2015-02-11 09:33:37.8626 INFO Services listen port: 10933
2015-02-11 09:33:38.4433 INFO Adding 1 trusted Octopus servers
2015-02-11 09:33:39.4630 INFO Service installed
2015-02-11 09:33:39.5587 INFO Waiting for service to start. Current status: StartPending
2015-02-11 09:33:40.4904 WARN Configured to listen to server {“Thumbprint”:“xxx”,“CommunicationStyle”:0,“Address”:null,“Squid”:null}, but no SQUID is configured for it; skipping.
2015-02-11 09:33:40.5534 INFO TCP server distribution service disabled
2015-02-11 09:33:40.5614 INFO Waiting for service to start. Current status: Running
2015-02-11 09:33:41.5636 INFO Service started

Hi Greg,

Thanks for reaching out! Could you check on your tentacle.config file what value you have set for Tentacle.Services.NoListen. On a default install the file should be on C:\Octopus[tentacle name]\tentacle.config




Thanks for your response through email as well. I deleted the tentacle folders as you suggested, and it it working great. I had setup it initially in polling mode and that setting must have stuck around.


Hi Gregg,

Glad to hear!

