Hi Team,
We are migrating our servers from Windows server 2012 to Windows 2016 Core. So we need some details as what additional components or features are required to be installed on core server for further configuration.
Hi Team,
We are migrating our servers from Windows server 2012 to Windows 2016 Core. So we need some details as what additional components or features are required to be installed on core server for further configuration.
Thanks for getting in touch!
The following Powershell script should setup the basics required to install Octopus Server on Core.
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
#Install dotnet
choco install --ignoredetectedreboot -y netfx-4.7.2-devpack
#Enable the dot net framework feature
add-windowsfeature Net-Framework-Core
#You will need to reboot after this point
#Install the latest Octopus Deploy
choco install --ignoredetectedreboot -y octopusdeploy
Best regards,
We have downloaded the Octopus.2019.13.7-x64.msi file and unable to run the same on core server.
Error: The installation package could not be opened.
Can you help us here
Its windows 2019 core
Team also please do provide us the complete step by step blog to install octopus on core servers.
Hi Paul/Dalmiro,
Can we get any inputs here. Waiting for reply.
Thanks for following up! I’ll take over for Paul for the time being since he’s currently on leave.
I’ve seen this issue occur previously that’s been fixed by using PowerShell script that Paul pasted above to set up everything as needed to install Octopus Server on Windows 2016 Core. Were you able to give that a go to see if it fixes this issue in your case as well?
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
#Install dotnet
choco install --ignoredetectedreboot -y netfx-4.7.2-devpack
#Enable the dot net framework feature
add-windowsfeature Net-Framework-Core
#You will need to reboot after this point
#Install the latest Octopus Deploy
choco install --ignoredetectedreboot -y octopusdeploy
Let me know how you go, or if you have any further questions moving forward.
Best regards,