what is the difference between ActionId and StepId ?
And which one is better to detect the unique Step from Project,
I mean, if I save the step first time, later if I change the step Name and save it, how can I detect programmatically “it is is the same Step before renaming” ?
Thanks for getting in touch! The difference between the ActionID and StepID can be seen if you look a the API for the deployment process on a project. Essentially, steps contain actions but actions don’t contain steps. A good example of this would be two steps configured as a rolling deployment. Octopus has a single StepID for both of the nested steps which each contain their own unique ActionID. This allows an additional layer of granularity for the data when building projects.
As for your second question, the StepID for the individual step should not change, same goes for the ActionID in a step. So if you are aware of this ID and later edit the display name, you can find the step using the ID.
Does that help?
If you have any questions at all here, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
really very thanks for your informations.
One another question is, if I use the ActionId in some Process around Octopus, how in Variable Values,
later if I want migrate the Octopus Database to another higher SQL version, are we expect some problems with using actionId’s ? I do not think so because the actionId is generated in the time of generating the step and it is holding in the tables in Database, I think it must do not have any impact in a Database migration scenario ?
Individual ID’s in Octopus should not undergo any changes when migrating between databases. The data should be consistent from the time it is created, until it’s deleted from Octopus.
ActionId is not a InvidiualID, it is generating in time of “Add Step” to a Process, what I want know is,
if i compare the ActionId of any Step ( it is generated before SQL Database Migration) and after a SQL Database Migration of Octopus, is it the same ActionId or not ?
If you are migrating your Octopus database as per our documentation, then no data within the database should be changed. There should not be any ID changes in Octopus after migrating your database.
We always advise that you store a backup however, as this is just good database practice.