3.3.14 Extreme Slowness

I’m curious if anyone has run into an extreme slowness in Octopus deploy after 3.3.14. It takes 2 minutes to view a Project or Process, which was taking a few seconds prior to this update. It has made the application completely unusable.

I’m working with support but since they only work when I’m sleeping that hasn’t been very successful so I was hoping to hear from someone else who has encountered this.

First, I’ve confirmed that selecting a Project or the Process once it is selected, executes SELECT * FROM dbo.[DeploymentProcess] ORDER BY Id even though I’m on a specific process. No idea why it is returning everything. But the JSON data is quite a bit of data.

But, it seems that even executing, reading through each row, and writing it out to a file on my Octopus server still only takes 5 seconds (I wrote a little program to test this).

So it seems that it is doing some processing on the application side, row by row, because the DB select statement stays open for that entire 2 minutes. It’s like it is doing a datareader and processing something for each row, but very slowly.

Something has changed with this release from the prior one that introduced this. I have 702 rows being returned in this query, not sure if that is on the larger side and most people aren’t seeing this?

Help. Our product is essentially broken in prod. I’ve provided Server logs, and Web enabled logs for Octopus. Nothing has helped.

I made a backup of the DB before the upgrade, I’m seriously thinking about going backwards but I don’t know how. Any links for this?

Getting concerned about the ability for Octopus to scale.



I’ve gone through the effort of restoring back our DB backup that was made prior to the update as well as restoring the application backups.

We are back to running 3.3.4 and everything is working fabulous.

I would definitely not recommend migrating to 3.3.14 for any reason! It caused some significant problems for me.

Hi All,

We are looking at into this issue. If anyone finds this thread we have updated and released 3.3.15 to include some extra logging.
If you could upgrade beyond that and send through your Octopus Server logs that may help us diagnose this.
We have not had many reports so are finding it hard to track down!
